Men in Nursing
at California State University, Chico
Fall Semester 2015 Events-
World Aids Day!-
MIN volunteers teamed up with Butte County Public Health and passed out over 3,000 condoms to Chico State students! This event was intended to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections as well as educate students about STI's.
Nursing Skills at Play:
Educating on ways to prevent the transmition of STI's
Educating on signs and symptoms of STI'S
Informing students on the importance of getting tested
Multicultural Health Fair!-
Free health screenings, health and cultural education, and fun cultural activities were all present at this event! Over ten clubs and organizations teamed up with MIN to promote health and wellness!
Nursing Skills at Play:
Assessing blood pressure
Testing blood glucose levels
Teaching of racial and ethnic health inequalities
Promotion of healthy lifestyles through meditation, physical exercise, and good nutrition
Keep the Beat!-
MIN members teamed up with the WREC at CSU, Chico to create the Keep the Beat! event. MIN volunteers instructed a total of 185 students on how to perform hands-only CPR. Greatly surpassing our goal of 100 students!
Nursing Skills at Play:
Teaching of proper rate, depth and location of chest compressions
Project S.A.V.E.-
(Salvage All Valuable Equipment)
MIN members sort and pack up medical supplies at Project S.A.V.E. This organization collects, and re-distributes recycled medical and dental supplies to people in need locally and globally.
Nursing Skills at Play:
Recognizing disparities in healthcare services
Paticipating in efforts to promote healthcare equality around the world