Men in Nursing
at California State University, Chico
Meet our officers
Gillian Sammis
5th semester
I am serving as president for the North State chapter for American Association for Men in Nursing. Previously, I held the position of vice president for this organization and chose to run again as I am very passionate about what our club has, and can accomplish in our community. Ideally, my career as a nurse would involve intensive care units, becoming a CRNA, earning a MPH, working in legislation and volunteering abroad! I have big plans for myself and this club which is why I encourage all students interested in a career in healthcare to join our club!
Satya Shah
5th semester
As a 5th semester nursing student, I have experienced the growth of Men in Nursing since the
start of my nursing education. I have always been extremely impressed with the friendliness,
inclusion, and passion the organization provides for every student. Now as secretary of the
organization, one of my primary goals is to continue this momentum and make sure our
organization has the tools to do so. I enjoy being involved in the positive impact Men in Nursing
creates in the community. Additionally, my involvement in the organization has shaped my
interests as a nurse. I hope to eventually work in the intensive care unit before continuing my
education as a CRNA or NP.
Jenna Livengood
Vice President
3rd semester
I am your VP for The American Assembly for Men in Nursing. I love how this club was originally established to promote diversity in nursing at a time when being a man and a nurse was unheard of! I was originally interested in nursing because I've always wanted to be the person who can help when someone can’t help themself. My grandpa suffered a stroke and the nurses in the ICU were some of the most intelligent and intuitive individuals I had ever seen. His nurses knew what was going to happen before the doctor did. Through nursing school I have found that tiny humans, rather than big humans are my calling. With this club I learned there are so many other places nurses are needed besides working in a hospital. I hope to continue my education after receiving my bachelors and either go on to a master's program or a DNP program.
Casey Applegate-Williams
3rd semester
I am treasurer for Men in Nursing! I transferred to Chico State in the fall of 2017. I have an interest in both pediatrics and labor and delivery specialties. I joined MIN because I wanted to be a part of a club that represents diversity in nursing and one that is dedicated to volunteering on campus and in the community. I plan on furthering my education as an NP or nurse midwife. I am looking forward to a great year!
Araceli Bautista
Volunteer Coordinator
4th semester
Hello, I am your volunteer coordinator. I enjoy hiking, going to the gym, bike riding, and spending time with family. In my future I hope to one day work in the Emergency Department and continue to serve those who are in need of medical care in other countries. MIN has helped me gain confidence, organization, and leadership skills throughout my nursing journey.